JUDYTH VARY BAKER, a former cancer researcher, is now a writer, artist, poet and forensic/cultural anthropologist. Once the lover of Lee Harvey Oswald, she exposes the truth about Oswald and leads the battle for his vindication. She is the founder and host of the JFK Assassination Conference (jfkdallasconference.com Nov. 17-18-19, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dallas). Her books include Me & Lee: How I came to know, love and lose Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie:Mafia Pilot, Letters to the Cyborgs (AI) and (Aug. 2016) Kennedy and Oswald: the Big Picture (with Edward Schwartz).
As a whistleblower, Judyth has been forced to live in exile, moving every 90 days in and then out of the EU, ever since September, 2007 when Edward Haslam's book Dr. Mary's Monkey was released, creating death threats that forced her to seek political asylum (denied because American citizens are theoretically in no danger from their government). She deeply appreciates those who partner with her in her crusade!
WEBSITE: JFKdallasconference.com
PRESENTATION: Judyth will present a two-part talk. Part 1 - The Heroism of JFK, and Part 2 - Michael and Ruth Paine: New Evidence of Treachery and Deception in the Framing of Lee Harvey Oswald.
DESCRIPTION: The truth about Pt 109 presented VS the History Channel Version; the new evidence against Ruth and Michael Paine is backed up by their own testimonies and by FBI documents.

JOHN BARBOUR, a Canadian native, is recognized as “the father of reality TV” with five Emmy Awards to his credit. Known for his numerous TV programs, including “NBC’s trendsetting hit ‘Real People,” NBC’s award-winning “Critic-at-Large” and “AM LA,” the witty and talented Barbour is the only person to have won Emmy’s in both Entertainment and News. As a stand-up comic, and as a writer for politicians and personalities such as Frank Sinatra, John has enjoyed an inside view of media politics.
His interest in the Kennedy assassination has been long and professional. He produced The Garrison Tapes (John filmed Garrison personally). The tapes are also available on Amazon (The Last Word on the Assassination). John says: “In spite of great reviews, winning the San Sebastian Film Festival and enormous success around the world, The Garrison Tapes has been almost totally blacked out by America’s mainstream media.” His newest project is The American Media and the Second Assassination of President John F. Kennedy — a presentation you don’t want to miss.
WEBSITE: JFK-Media-Assassination.com
PRESENTATION: John will lead a Q & A session after his Sunday evening premiere weekend showing of his new film. The Q & A will include questions from our speakers and will be video taped as the closing segment of our next day conference. PLUS, John will close the conference with his view of the 2nd assassination of JFK in the "Main Stream Media". (Pre-recorded Sunday 5/28.)

GARY FANNIN has been studying the John F. Kennedy Assassination for over 37 years. He has lectured at High Schools, Colleges, Universities and numerous JFK Conferences in Dallas. In 2015 Gary wrote his first book, The Innocence of Oswald--50+ Years of Lies, Deception & Deceit in the Murders of President John F. Kennedy & Officer J.D. Tippit. This book is based upon U.S. Government, FBI, CIA, Office of Naval Intelligence and Secret Service documents. Many of these U.S. documents have never been printed before. It also includes Dallas Police affidavits, autopsy reports, photos and more to prove that Lee Harvey Oswald was completely innocent of the crimes he was charged and was in fact, 'a patsy.'
Gary is currently working on three more JFK projects. The first project is a DVD Documentary with 5 time Emmy Award Winner, John Barbour. Titled, The Jim Garrison Tapes, Part 2--The American Media and the 2nd Assassination of President Kennedy. This documentary is the follow up to the Sans Sebastian Film Winner, The Jim Garrison Tapes. This documentary will be the definitive record of the U.S. Major Media complicity in the cover up of the JFK assassination and Lee Oswald’s guilt.
He is also working on his second book, 'Mandarin.' This book will be entirely about Roscoe Anthony White and his relationship with Lee Harvey Oswald in the Marines. It will also show how Lee Harvey Oswald was set up as the patsy and at the same time show how U.S. Naval Intelligence ordered Roscoe White to kill President Kennedy.
In addition to the other two projects, Gary is also currently working on another documentary/film (currently untitled) on the life of Robert Groden. Robert was the first person to show the Zapruder film live on National TV in March 1975 and has testified at every Government hearing on the JFK assassination since the House Select Committee on Assassinations convened in 1977.
WEBSITE: TheInnocenceOfOswald.com
PRESENTATION: Ballistics and Pathological Findings in the framing of Lee Harvey Oswald
DESCRIPTION: In 1967, Warren Commission member John J. McCloy was working on a CBS program to debunk conspiracy writers such as Mark Lane, Sylvia Meager and Josiah Thompson. The title was 'CBS Reports...In Defense of the Warren Report.' During the report, McCloy states, "We (the Commission) did not find Lee Harvey Oswald guilty based upon pathological or ballistic evidence. We found him guilty because of his lonely, loser lifestyle."
Knowing there was no trial of Lee Oswald, the Commission simply labeled him as their patsy and did no investigation into the death of President John F. Kennedy. I intend to prove Oswald's innocence using ballistic, pathological, photographic and legal documentation.

JIM FETZER, a former Marine Corps officer, has published widely on the theoretical foundations of scientific knowledge, computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive science and evolution and mentality. A magna cum laude graduate of Princeton University, who majored in philosophy, he earned his Ph.D. in the history and philosophy of science. He has received many honors and forms of recognition for his teaching and scholarship.
McKnight Professor Emeritus on the Duluth Campus of the University of Minnesota, he has also conducted extensive research into the assassination of JFK, the events of 9/11 and the plane crash that killed Sen. Paul Wellstone. Founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, his recent scholarly books include The Evolution of Intelligence (2005), Render Unto Darwin (2007) and co-editing The Place of Probability in Science (2010).
His research on JFK include editing Assassination Science (1998), Murder in Dealey Plaza (2000) and The Great Zapruder Film Hoax (2003). He has chaired or co-chaired five national conferences on the death of JFK (Minneapolis 1999; Dallas 2000; Dallas 2001; Duluth 2003; Santa Barbara 2013). He has over 1,000 interviews on JFK and many videos. His latest, JFK: Who, How and Why (2017), has just appeared.
WEBSITE: MoonRockBooks.com
PRESENTATION: How and Why the Zapruder Film was Revised
DESCRIPTION: Jim organized and moderated the first symposium on the authenticity of the Zapruder film at the JFK Lancer Conference in 1996 and has continued his research in collaboration with Gary King, Don Fox and Larry Rivera.
Because of Dr. Fetzer's long history of research on the Zupruder film his presentation will address evidence internal to the film, comparison with other films, conflicts with key witnesses (including Clint Hill and the motorcycle escort officers), other witnesses and the medical, ballistic and other resources.

EDWARD T. HASLAM is the author of DR. MARY'S MONKEY: How the unsolved murder of a doctor, a secret laboratory in New Orleans and cancer-causing monkey viruses are linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK assassination and emerging global epidemics.
Ed spent years investigating the murder and discovered many hidden secrets linking New Orleans to the Kennedy assassination. His 2007 book has recently been re-issued in a new hard-cover edition with new chapters and documents from the FBI, CIA, CDC, and NOPD, plus stunning crime scene photos of the Mary Sherman murder.
Ed is a native of New Orleans and lived there during both the JFK assassination and the Garrison Investigation. He is a graduate of Tulane University and managed advertising campaigns for some of the largest corporations in America. DMM rose to the Top 20 among all Books sold on Amazon.com following the first of four Coast-to-Coast interviews and remains a consistent high-seller among Kennedy assassination and medical history books.
WEBSITE: DoctorMarysMonkey.com
PRESENTATION: Dr. Mary’s Monkey: The Back Door to The JFK Assassination

WILLIAM MATSON LAW, is the author of the book, "In the Eye of History," (new edition, November 2015) that explores the medical evidence through new witness interviews.
Law's interest in the Kennedy assassination began in 1975 with the showing of Abraham Zapruder's 26-second home movie of the event on Geraldo Rivera's "Goodnight America" program. Later, after reading David Lifton's book Best Evidence, Law began researching Kennedy's murder. Results of that research have appeared in the books November Patriots by Constance Kritzberg and Larry Hancock, JFK: The Medical Evidence Reference by Vincent Palamara, Murder In Dealey Plaza edited by James Fetzer, and Paris Flammonde's opus An Encyclopedic Narrative and Historical and Personal Perspective on The Kennedy Coup d'État.
Law has written for the research periodicals the “Kennedy Assassination Chronicles" and the "Dealey Plaza Echo", is producer of the DVD "The Gathering", and currently serves as a consultant to film director Brian McKenna for his upcoming documentary "Killing Kennedy" and one with Mark Sobel to co-produce a documentary on the assassination of Robert Kennedy.
WEBSITE: WilliamMatsonLaw.wordpress.com/
PRESENTATION: JFK Autopsy - What Happened in Bethesda
DESCRIPTION: William will present his research on the "official" JFK autopsy. He will be joined by several first hand witnesses who handled the casket/body of JFK on the 22nd of November at Bethesda Naval Hospital.

WAYNE MADSEN is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist, author and columnist. He is the editor of WayneMadsenReport.com.
His columns have appeared in The Miami Herald, Houston Chronicle, Philadelphia Inquirer, Columbus Dispatch, Sacramento Bee, and Atlanta Journal-Constitution, among others.
Madsen is the author of some 15 books, his last being a compendium of CIA front operations titled: The Almost Classified Guide to CIA Front Companies, Proprietaries and Contractors." Madsen has been a regular contributor on RT and PressTV. He has been a frequent political and national security commentator on Fox News and has also appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, and MS-NBC. Madsen has taken on Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity on their television shows.
He has been invited to testify as a witness before the US House of Representatives, the UN Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and a terrorism investigation judicial inquiry of the French government. Madsen has some thirty-five years experience in security issues.
As a U.S. Naval Officer, he managed one of the first computer security programs for the U.S. Navy. He subsequently worked for the National Security Agency, the Naval Data Automation Command, Department of State, RCA Corporation, and Computer Sciences Corporation. Madsen was a Senior Fellow for the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), a privacy public advocacy organization. Madsen is a member of the National Press Club.
WEBSITE: WayneMadsenReport.com
PRESENTATION: Rafael Cruz, Lee Oswald and New Orleans, 1963
DESCRIPTION: On April 20, 2016, the National Enquirer published a political bombshell cover story, “Ted Cruz Father Linked to JFK Assassination.” The story was first published in WayneMadsenReport.com (WMR) in February 2016. At the center of the story was a photograph showing a previously identified man helping Lee Harvey Oswald distribute “Fair Play for Cuba Committee” pamphlets outside the International Trade Mart in New Orleans on August 16, 1963. WMR and the tabloid concluded that the man with Oswald was very likely Rafael Cruz, the father of Texas Senator and presidential candidate Ted Cruz. Cruz's rival, Donald Trump, seized on the story and created a political earthquake that not only helped end the Cruz's campaign but juxtaposed the JFK assassination on the 2016 presidential campaign.

BARR McCLELLAN studied at the University of Texas in Austin. As a student McClellan was a strong supporter of John F. Kennedy. After qualifying as a lawyer he went to work for the administration of President Lyndon B. Johnson. Initially he worked for the National Labor Relations Board but in 1964 he became an attorney for the Federal Power Commission.
In 1966 McClellan joined the legal firm of Clark, Thomas and Winters, based in Austin, Texas. At that time the firm was run by the partners Edward Clark, Sam Winters, Don Thomas and Frank Denius. The company was closely associated with Lyndon B. Johnson and the Democratic Party in Texas. McClellan's work included advising on political strategy, campaign contributions, media issues and labour disputes.
In 1972 McClellan became a full partner in the legal firm. It was only at this stage that he was told about the illegal activities of the firm. John Cofer explained how the partners dealt with criminal activity: "In short, we helped plan crimes and keep the clients out of trouble." Soon afterwards he discovered that one of the partners, Edward Clark, had been involved in planning the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
McClellan eventually resigned from the firm after a dispute with Edward Clark. In 1977 he established his own law firm. Some of McClellan notable cases include litigation for exploding Ford Pintos, tobacco-caused expenses on the health care system and the licensing and regulation of cell phones. He also obtained a Supreme Court ruling to protect park lands from freeways.
In 2003 McClellan published Blood Money and Power: How L.B.J. Killed J.F.K. In the book McClellan argues that Lyndon B. Johnson and Edward Clark were involved in the planning and cover-up of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. McClellan also named Malcolm Wallace as one of the assassins. The killing of Kennedy was paid for by oil millionaires such as Clint Murchison and Haroldson L. Hunt. McClellan claims that Clark got $2 million for this work.
The assassination of Kennedy allowed the oil depletion allowance to be kept at 27.5 per cent. It remained unchanged during the Johnson presidency. According to McClellan this resulted in a saving of over 100 million dollars to the American oil industry. Soon after Johnson left office it dropped to 15 per cent.

LARRY RIVERA is Chairman of the Oswald Innocence Campaign. He was born in Alaska, the son of a career military man who served as a CID officer in the Army. He was in Germany on 11/22/63, age 6, and will never forget his father’s reaction upon hearing of JFK’s assassination. He has made a lifelong study of the JFK assassination, making his first trip to Dealey Plaza in 1991. He attended the ASK Symposium in 1993 for the 30th anniversary.
He has given interviews about the assassination to Spanish media. Larry has published many articles on the assassination and has many YouTube videos covering his research. He has given presentations at Santa Barbara for the 50th observance of the assassination in 2013 on Buell Wesley Frazier, and at Judyth Vary Baker’s Conference at Arlington in 2014 on the DPD motorcycle officers.
Larry has a degree in Computer Networking and is an expert at computer imaging technology and facial recognition, using state of the art digital overlays. Currently, he helps host the Internet radio show “The New JFK Show” with Gary King and Jim Fetzer, conducting interviews and discussing new information on the JFK assassination. He has just finished translating Judyth Vary Baker’s book, “Me and Lee” into Spanish, “Lee y yo”, and also has finished his own book, due for publication soon, covering multiple aspects of the assassination.
PRESENTATION: Doorway Man - The Proof of Oswald's Innocence
DESCRIPTION: Larry will lead the audience through his analysis of the "Altgens 6" photo. The definitive proof that Oswald was not even on the 6th floor of The Texas School Book Depository.

ROGER STONE is the author of the New York Times bestseller The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ. He is a legendary political operative who served as a senior campaign aide to Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and Senator Bob Dole. Stone would parlay being the youngest staff member of the Committee to Re-Elect the President in 1972 into being a conduit of secret memos from Ex-President Nixon to President Ronald Reagan throughout the 80s.
A veteran of eight national presidential campaigns, Stone would spend hours talking politics with Nixon as confidant and adviser in his post-presidential years. Stone is known for his hardball tactics, deep opposition research, biting candor, and love of English custom tailoring. Stone serves as a men's fashion correspondent for the Daily Caller. He is probably the most controversial speaker on the political horizon today, an insider who was there from the beginning - who doesn’t want Nixon blamed for what happened on Nov. 22, 1963.
WEBSITE: StoneColdTruth.com
PRESENTATION: JFK - the Man, The President, The Murder
DESCRIPTION: Mr. Stone will discuss JFK's legacy as the 35th President of the United States. He will expand upon why he believes JFK was assassinated.